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Power Rating Awards:

Army Clan

Ranking System Info:

There are 6 "award catagories" that any member who wishes to participate in the optional awards system may earn. Each award has a specific way it is earned - its nothing drastic, and is driven by your in game stats, and activity with the army...


Here are the awards:


  1. Power Rating Awards

  2. /Played Time Ribbons

  3. Specialist Medals

  4. Atlas Score Achievements

  5. Forum title Points

  6. Raidcall Activity badges


 The first four awards (power rating, playtime, Specialist, and atlas score) are based directly from your actual in-game numbers and can be updated on a weekly basis in your personal member profile. There is no bias here - just awards based on how much time you actually play Firefall.


Forum Title Points and Raidcall Activty Badges are mechanics meant to drive-up our activity levels on the website and in Raidcall. The fact is the more effective our group communication is, the better our squad-gameplay will be - So you will be rewarded in the form of "achievement" like graphics for your personal member page.

Specialist Medals:

/Played Time Ribbons:

Atlas Score Achievement:

Forum Point Titles:

Raid Call Activity Badges:

specialist Medals
Raid Call Activity
Forum Point Titles
Atlas Score Achievement
Power Rating Awards
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